FLC-20-02: Terms of Reference For organizing an online training course for professional journalists on communication skills on saline intrusion
1. Background
CECAD is a non-governmental organization working across two offices with headquarters based in Hanoi and a second office established in the commune of Tu Ne commune, Tan Lac District, Hoa Binh province. CECAD’s projects are mainly situated in the Northern mountainous province of Hoa Binh. CECAD staff members come from academic backgrounds in both social and natural sciences. We wish to research the environment and rural communities in order to preserve biodiversity, improve living conditions, reduce social imbalances and assist in community development. We aim to reach out to the poorest people, especially women, children and ethnic minorities. CECAD engages in both academic research and development projects.
In 2020, CECAD implement the project “Strengthening Communication Capacity for Better Climate Resilience in Mekong River Delta”. The project aims to improve the communication capacities of relevant agencies and raise awareness of local communities on the saline intrusion in the Me Kong River Delta for their active participation for better climate resilience. Pilot activities on models of response to saline intrusion will be implemented in Tien Giang province to develop the saline intrusion monitoring systems and enhance the early warning and forecast networks for the information management; as well as to support local communities to proactively collect and store water for domestic use and production activities, ensuring the water security in the region.
Objectives of the project:
a. To develop and implement a comprehensive communication and information dissemination program for improving resilience to severe saline intrusion in the Mekong River Delta.
b. To develop and install a saline intrusion early warning system in a pilot province of Tien Giang.
c. To develop a proactive model of domestic and production water sources for the local communities in the context of saline water intrusion caused by climate change.
Expected results:
a. Expected Result 1: An effective communication program is implemented to raise the awareness of local communities in Mekong River Delta on severe saline water intrusion and involve their active participation in initiating and implementing activities for climate resilience
b. Expected Result 2: A saline intrusion early warning system is developed and installed in a pilot province of Tien Giang.
c. Expected result 3: An effective model of domestic and production water sources is developed and implemented for local communities in the context of saline water intrusion caused by climate change.
2. Consultancy
a. Purpose and specific objective
Within the framework of the project, the one-day online training for professional journalists and communication officers of the government agencies on communication skills on saline intrusion will be organized. The activity aims to improve capacity on writing articles and communication skills for professional journalists and communication officers of the government agencies on this topic, resulting to increase the number of articles and better contents of articles on saline intrusion in the Mekong River Delta, as well as on project models in Tien Giang as a pilot province.
Therefore, CECAD is looking for a consultant or consultants to conduct this training course.
Objectives of the service
– To prepare appropriate materials on communication skills and effective communication on saline intrusion for professional journalists and communication officers of the government agencies.
– To train for professional journalists and communication officers of the government agencies on effective communication on saline intrusion in the Mekong River Delta.
Scope of work
– To propose and design training materials on communication skills, effective communication, and article writing skill on saline intrusion that meet the needs of professional journalists and communication officers of the government agencies in the Mekong River Delta.
– To implement the training on communication skills, effective communication and article writing skill on saline intrusion for professional journalists and communication officers of the government agencies in the Mekong River Delta.
– Consultant/ consultants will work with the project officers to prepare the content of the training course. The detail of the training content might include but not limited to bellow points:
• Media (in the world & Vietnam) talking about saline intrusion
• Challenges and opportunities for professional journalists in covering the topic on saline intrusion
• Analysis on target audiences in the field of saline intrusion
• Skills on social media strategic communication
• Guide on conducting the communication plan on saline intrusion and climate change adaptation
b. Output
– Agenda and training materials includes slides and materials for participants
– Report after the training
c. Work locations and timeline
– Work place: Online training in Ha Noi
– The consultant service is expected to be implemented in November 2021. Detailed work plan and timeline will be discussed after the selection and contracting.
d. Professional requirements for consultants
– Bachelor degree or higher in Communication, Media, Environmental Science or related field
– A minimum of 5-year experience in communication, communications strategy development, article writing and other communication activities.
– Have good knowledge of social media and the best ways to utilize each platform.
– Have excellent written and verbal communication skills.
– Experience in writing articles on saline intrusion and climate change adaptation
– Have critically thinking and use creative ways to provide the training to engage participants.
– Experience in working for Vietnam Television, other Radio and Television and professional Newspapers is an advantage.
Interested candidates please send an application letter and detailed CVs to the Center for Environment and Community Assets Development (CECAD) via email:cecad@cecad.org.vn before: 5 PM on 25/10/2021.